Ecstatic Trip Workshop
štvrtok 19. augusta 2021
Ecstatic Trip je tanečný workshop, ktorý sa zameriava na preskúmanie mysle, tela a duše, prostredníctvom pohybu.
Extatický tanec je voľný tanečný štýl, v ktorom je učiteľom hudba. V tejto forme tanca neexistuje žiadna štruktúra, kroky ktoré by sa mali sledovať ani nejaký konkrétny spôsob ako tancovať.
Skúsenosti s tancom vôbec nie sú potrebné.
Ecstatic Trip is a dance workshop with a point to explore mind, soul and body through movement.
Ecstatic dance is a style of free form dance in which the music is the teacher. In this form of dance, there is no structure or steps to follow or any particular way to dance. Dancing experience is no needed.
Ecstatic dance is a style of free form dance in which the music is the teacher. In this form of dance, there is no structure or steps to follow or any particular way to dance. Dancing experience is no needed.
Link na facebook stránku projektu:
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